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January 2, 2024

Sir Anthony Hopkins Delivers Impromptu Piano Performance in Empty Hotel Lobby

Sir Anthony Hopkins is a screen legend who has earned two Oscars for his acting skills. But he is also no stranger to performing on the fly either. A couple of months ago, the Welsh actor posted a video of himself surprising hotel staff with a stunning piano composition. Recently, Hopkins was captured filling another hotel lobby—this time an empty one in Vancouver—with more beautiful music.


January 2, 2024

Winston Churchill Had a Doctor’s Note To Drink Unlimited Alcohol While Visiting the U.S. During Prohibition

Winston Churchill is best remembered for leading the UK through World War II. Perhaps a lesser-known part of his legacy that predates WWII is his trip to the U.S. during the Prohibition era. In December 1931, Churchill was in his “Wilderness Years,” holding to his parliament seat but out of office. After taking heavy losses during the Great Depression, he set out on a lecture tour around the U.S.


January 1, 2024

Fire-Scarred Redwoods Are Rebounding by Sprouting 1000-Year-Old Buds

In August of 2020, a horrific fire swept through California's Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Ignited by lightening, the fire was unprecedented in the scale of damage it wreaked on the ancient trees. It left behind enormous charred trunks in what had once been a lush forest. Concerned scientists thought it might be the end of these trees as we knew them.


January 1, 2024

今年开始创造性地与这些Onlin 10%e Art Classes

It's a new year, and if you're anything like us, that means you are ready for a fresh start. Whether you have made a New Year's resolution or simply pledged to try something new, the start of the year is the perfect time to invest in yourself. And at My Modern Met Academy, we want to help you do that, which is why we are starting off the year with a special New Year's Sale.

